Bug when moving a category around

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Posts: 76
Joined: 19 November 2013, 21:48

Bug when moving a category around

Post by zh_olga »

Hi Angeman
every time that I move a category around it first shows blank line
Only after restarting iCompta category shows up where I put it
moving a category.jpeg
moving a category.jpeg (12.84 KiB) Viewed 6910 times
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Re: Bug when moving a category around

Post by Angeman »

Can you open /Applications/Utilities/Console.app and copy/paste the lines that start with iCompta ? Thanks
Posts: 76
Joined: 19 November 2013, 21:48

Re: Bug when moving a category around

Post by zh_olga »

In System Reports ?
if yes
this is the one dated 4th of march
Is this what you're looking for? (it's not full though, because forum allows limited number of characters)
Do you need the other ones?

Date/Time: 2018-03-04 08:15:13.838880 -0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.3 (Build 17D102)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 19

Command: iCompta
Path: /Applications/iCompta.localized/iCompta.app/Contents/MacOS/iCompta
Version: 6.0.14 (1298)
App Item ID: 1149778308
App External ID: 825205067
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 532

Event: wakeups
Wakeups: 45003 wakeups over the last 265 seconds (170 wakeups per second average), exceeding limit of 150 wakeups per second over 300 seconds
Action taken: none
Duration: 264.68s
Steps: 184

Hardware model: MacBookAir5,2
Active cpus: 4

Fan speed: 2004 rpm

Powerstats for: iCompta [532]
UUID: C780EBFC-B870-3B24-8C92-EE7C2D7CA9AA
Start time: 2018-03-04 08:15:14 -0800
End time: 2018-03-04 08:19:38 -0800
Microstackshots: 184 samples (100%)
Primary state: 87 samples Frontmost App, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, Override Thread QoS Unspecified
User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 184 samples Active
Power Source: 0 samples on Battery, 184 samples on AC
113 _pthread_start + 377 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff5ee3156d]
113 _pthread_body + 340 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff5ee316c1]
103 rtc::PlatformThread::StartThread(void*) + 9 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ef7909]
91 rtc::PlatformThread::Run() + 376 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ef7a88]
75 webrtc::ProcessThreadImpl::Process() + 910 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f0b18e]
75 webrtc::EventWrapperImpl::Wait(unsigned long) + 13 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43e4799d]
74 rtc::Event::Wait(int) + 110 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43e4958e]
73 __psynch_cvwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecf5cee]
1 pthread_mutex_lock + 7 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff5ee2f3dc]
1 <User mode>
1 _pthread_mutex_check_init_slow + 451 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff5ee2f748]
1 <User mode>
7 webrtc::ProcessThreadImpl::Process() + 306 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f0af32]
5 <User mode>
6 webrtc::ProcessThreadImpl::Process() + 596 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f0b054]
3 non-virtual thunk to webrtc::SendSideCongestionController::Process() + 19 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f65403]
2 webrtc::BitrateControllerImpl::Process() + 57 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43dcb879]
1 webrtc::SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateEstimate(long long) + 30 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f7bb1e]
1 <User mode>
1 webrtc::SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateEstimate(long long) + 113 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f7bb71]
1 webrtc::SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateMinHistory(long long) + 386 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f7c742]
1 <User mode>
1 webrtc::BitrateControllerImpl::Process() + 127 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43dcb8bf]
1 rtc::TimeMillis() + 71 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43fccde7]
1 <User mode>
2 webrtc::ProbeController::Process() + 1 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f0a4a1]
2 <User mode>
1 non-virtual thunk to webrtc::RemoteEstimatorProxy::Process() + 107 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f3102b]
1 nano_free_definite_size + 3 (libsystem_malloc.dylib) [0x7fff5ed550f2]
1 <User mode>
2 webrtc::ProcessThreadImpl::Process() + 660 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f0b094]
2 rtc::TimeMillis() + 50 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43fccdd2]
2 mach_absolute_time + 28 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecebc73]
2 <User mode>
1 webrtc::ProcessThreadImpl::Process() + 593 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43f0b051]
1 <User mode>
11 rtc::PlatformThread::Run() + 385 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ef7a91]
11 swtch_pri + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecec8be]
1 rtc::PlatformThread::Run() + 199 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ef79d7]
1 <User mode>
7 _NSEventThread + 184 (AppKit) [0x7fff3490a3c8]
7 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 487 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4787]
4 __CFRunLoopRun + 2848 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5540]
4 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 533 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fd785]
4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fd839]
4 __CFMachPortPerform + 310 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fd986]
4 MessageHandler(__CFMachPort*, void*, long, void*) + 51 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff3650bab0]
3 PullEventsFromWindowServerOnConnection(unsigned int, unsigned char, __CFMachPortBoost*) + 45 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff3650bb0f]
3 SLEventCreateNextEvent + 44 (SkyLight) [0x7fff58bf69f0]
3 SLSGetNextEventRecordInternal + 81 (SkyLight) [0x7fff58b7edf3]
2 CGSSnarfAndDispatchDatagrams + 4948 (SkyLight) [0x7fff58ae983d]
2 _kernelrpc_mach_vm_deallocate_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecec6f6]
2 <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 CGSSnarfAndDispatchDatagrams + 1077 (SkyLight) [0x7fff58ae891e]
1 std::__1::mutex::lock() + 9 (libc++.1.dylib) [0x7fff5cc11c7f]
1 _pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 253 (libsystem_pthread.dylib) [0x7fff5ee2f551]
1 __psynch_mutexwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecf5d1e]
1 <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 PullEventsFromWindowServerOnConnection(unsigned int, unsigned char, __CFMachPortBoost*) + 572 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff3650bd1e]
1 CFRunLoopPerformBlock + 195 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371e33e3]
1 __CFRunLoopFindMode + 199 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371c38f7]
1 CFSetGetValue + 131 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371c3dd3]
1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 1170 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3717eb92]
1 __CFStringEqual + 140 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3719b75c]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
3 __CFRunLoopRun + 1783 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5117]
3 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 341 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5dc5]
3 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecec7c2]
3 <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, void (*)(bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>*), bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>*> >(void*) + 40 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad52d78]
1 bmalloc::AsyncTask<bmalloc::Heap, void (bmalloc::Heap::*)()>::threadRunLoop() + 93 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad52a1d]
1 bmalloc::Heap::concurrentScavenge() + 156 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad50c8c]
1 bmalloc::Heap::scavenge(std::__1::lock_guard<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&) + 151 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad50e87]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Initiated, Requested Thread QoS User Initiated>
1 rtc::Thread::PreRun(void*) + 102 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43dd46a6]
1 rtc::Thread::ProcessMessages(int) + 284 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43dd47dc]
1 rtc::MessageQueue::Dispatch(rtc::Message*) + 259 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43e90a83]
1 non-virtual thunk to rtc::BasicNetworkManager::OnMessage(rtc::Message*) + 50 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ea2992]
1 rtc::BasicNetworkManager::UpdateNetworksOnce() + 56 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ea1848]
1 rtc::BasicNetworkManager::CreateNetworks(bool, std::__1::vector<rtc::Network*, std::__1::allocator<rtc::Network*> >*) const + 38 (libwebrtc.dylib) [0x7fff43ea25f6]
1 getifaddrs + 360 (libsystem_info.dylib) [0x7fff5ec976c8]
1 __sysctl + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecf63a2]
1 WTF::wtfThreadEntryPoint(void*) + 74 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a233faa]
1 WTF::threadEntryPoint(void*) + 111 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a23405f]
1 WTF::Function<void ()>::CallableWrapper<WTF::AutomaticThread::start(WTF::AbstractLocker const&)::$_0>::call() + 296 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad25b58]
1 JSC::DFG::Worklist::ThreadBody::work() + 276 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a850474]
1 JSC::DFG::Plan::compileInThread(JSC::DFG::ThreadData*) + 683 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a78d64b]
1 JSC::DFG::Plan::compileInThreadImpl() + 873 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a78dfc9]
1 JSC::DFG::performCPSRethreading(JSC::DFG::Graph&) + 192 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a2e8370]
1 bool JSC::DFG::runAndLog<JSC::DFG::CPSRethreadingPhase>(JSC::DFG::CPSRethreadingPhase&) + 47 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a6aaa0f]
1 JSC::DFG::CPSRethreadingPhase::run() + 336 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a2e86b0]
1 void JSC::DFG::CPSRethreadingPhase::propagatePhis<(JSC::OperandKind)1>() + 429 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a2e93ad]
1 JSC::DFG::Node* JSC::B3::SparseCollection<JSC::DFG::Node>::addNew<JSC::DFG::NodeType&, JSC::DFG::NodeOrigin&, JSC::DFG::OpInfo&>(JSC::DFG::NodeType&&&, JSC::DFG::NodeOrigin&&&, JSC::DFG::OpInfo&&&) + 53 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a62ba65]
1 WTF::fastMalloc(unsigned long) + 111 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a23205f]
1 bmalloc::Allocator::allocateSlowCase(unsigned long) + 206 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad4f68e]
1 bmalloc::Allocator::refillAllocatorSlowCase(bmalloc::BumpAllocator&, unsigned long) + 131 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad4f463]
1 bmalloc::Heap::allocateSmallBumpRangesByMetadata(std::__1::lock_guard<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, unsigned long, bmalloc::BumpAllocator&, bmalloc::FixedVector<bmalloc::BumpRange, 3ul>&, std::__1::array<bmalloc::List<bmalloc::SmallPage>, 112ul>&) + 42 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad51cba]
1 bmalloc::Heap::allocateSmallPage(std::__1::lock_guard<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, unsigned long, std::__1::array<bmalloc::List<bmalloc::SmallPage>, 112ul>&) + 158 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad518ee]
1 bmalloc::Heap::allocateSmallChunk(std::__1::lock_guard<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, unsigned long) + 111 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad5138f]
1 bmalloc::Heap::tryAllocateLarge(std::__1::lock_guard<bmalloc::StaticMutex>&, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 204 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad5242c]
1 bmalloc::LargeMap::remove(unsigned long, unsigned long) + 368 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad53760]
1 <Effective Thread QoS User Initiated, Requested Thread QoS User Initiated>
68 ??? (iCompta + 11339) [0x10a51ec4b]
68 NSApplicationMain + 804 (AppKit) [0x7fff34790f1a]
62 -[NSApplication run] + 764 (AppKit) [0x7fff347c1d6d]
62 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3044 (AppKit) [0x7fff34f62b4c]
62 _DPSNextEvent + 2085 (AppKit) [0x7fff347ccf5f]
62 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501914]
60 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 613 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501b96]
60 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 286 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501e26]
60 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 487 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4787]
44 __CFRunLoopRun + 2427 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f539b]
44 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 346 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fdbca]
43 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1108 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe0d4]
43 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe454]
42 WebCore::timerFired(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*) + 31 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429e9ff]
40 WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() + 176 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429eac0]
20 WebCore::DOMTimer::fired() + 715 (WebCore) [0x7fff4436c98b]
16 WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::Document&) + 143 (WebCore) [0x7fff4524290f]
14 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 611 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242cf3]
13 JSC::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) + 165 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a5ad085]
13 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 433 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a26bc71]
13 JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) + 147 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a9d7e43]
12 vmEntryToJavaScript + 304 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ab00920]
12 ??? [0x47b359d2f2c1]
12 ??? [0x47b359d9c11b]
12 ??? [0x47b35a2084ec]
12 ??? [0x47b35a1bb410]
10 ??? [0x47b359cb0058]
6 ??? [0x47b35a12858b]
2 ??? [0x47b359fd3c07]
2 ??? [0x47b359c01038]
2 JSC::JSObject::toThis(JSC::JSCell*, JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ECMAMode) + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3aa61901]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 ??? [0x47b359fd3a09]
2 JSC::RegExpObject::execInline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSString*) + 1537 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ac10b71]
2 JSC::Subspace::allocate(JSC::GCDeferralContext*, unsigned long) + 29 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ac684fd]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 ??? [0x47b359fd374b]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 ??? [0x47b359fd3bad]
1 ??? [0x47b359c01038]
1 WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionGetElementsByClassName(JSC::ExecState*) + 461 (WebCore) [0x7fff4438daad]
1 JSC::JSRopeString::resolveRope(JSC::ExecState*) const + 51 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a28f3e3]
1 WTF::String::substringSharingImpl(unsigned int, unsigned int) const + 198 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a2501d6]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 ??? [0x47b359fd36c1]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 ??? [0x47b35a1283c7]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 ??? [0x47b35a1284d6]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 ??? [0x47b359caff44]
2 operationRegExpExec + 94 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a3785ce]
1 JSC::RegExpObject::execInline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSString*) + 38 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ac10596]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 JSC::RegExpObject::execInline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSString*) + 396 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ac106fc]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 ??? [0x47b359d2f261]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 JSC::JSGlobalObject::hasDebugger() const + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3aa40511]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 69 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242ad5]
1 JSC::JSLock::didAcquireLock() + 195 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3aa584f3]
1 JSC::Wasm::startTrackingCurrentThread() + 15 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3acd36df]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 JSC::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a5acfe1]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::Document&) + 129 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242901]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::Document&) + 93 (WebCore) [0x7fff452428dd]
1 WebCore::ScriptController::canExecuteScripts(WebCore::ReasonForCallingCanExecuteScripts) + 64 (WebCore) [0x7fff442bb3d0]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::FrameLoaderClient::allowScript(bool) + 1 (WebKitLegacy) [0x7fff457819c1]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
19 WebCore::DOMTimer::fired() + 357 (WebCore) [0x7fff4436c825]
19 WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::Document&) + 143 (WebCore) [0x7fff4524290f]
12 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 611 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242cf3]
12 JSC::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr<JSC::Exception>&) + 165 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a5ad085]
5 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 433 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a26bc71]
5 JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) + 147 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a9d7e43]
4 vmEntryToJavaScript + 304 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ab00920]
3 ??? [0x47b359e28178]
3 ??? [0x47b35a088df6]
3 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 ??? [0x47b35a6e0b82]
1 ??? [0x47b35a5d874b]
1 ??? [0x47b35add0b4f]
1 ??? [0x47b35a98cef4]
1 ??? [0x47b35a18e445]
1 ??? [0x47b35aa2d5a6]
1 ??? [0x47b359c01038]
1 WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionGetElementsByClassName(JSC::ExecState*) + 461 (WebCore) [0x7fff4438daad]
1 WTF::String::substringSharingImpl(unsigned int, unsigned int) const + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a250111]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 vmEntryToJavaScript + 331 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ab0093b]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 JSC::ProtoCallFrame::init(JSC::CodeBlock*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::JSValue, int, JSC::JSValue*) + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3abf7531]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) + 347 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a26bc1b]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 JSC::Heap::isCurrentThreadBusy() + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a925891]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 JSC::VMEntryScope::~VMEntryScope() + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ac8d191]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 640 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242d10]
2 WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject::scriptExecutionContext() const + 9 (WebCore) [0x7fff4433f619]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 JSC::JSGlobalObject::globalExec() + 1 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3a2458f1]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 635 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242d0b]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 623 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242cff]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 170 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242b3a]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::BitmapImage::advanceAnimation() + 369 (WebCore) [0x7fff44546c01]
1 WebCore::CachedImage::CachedImageObserver::imageFrameAvailable(WebCore::Image const&, WebCore::ImageAnimatingState, WebCore::IntRect const*, WebCore::DecodingStatus) + 118 (WebCore) [0x7fff44558a56]
1 WebCore::CachedImage::imageFrameAvailable(WebCore::Image const&, WebCore::ImageAnimatingState, WebCore::IntRect const*, WebCore::DecodingStatus) + 141 (WebCore) [0x7fff44558b3d]
1 WebCore::RenderElement::imageFrameAvailable(WebCore::CachedImage&, WebCore::ImageAnimatingState, WebCore::IntRect const*) + 65 (WebCore) [0x7fff4511f7b1]
1 WebCore::FrameView::windowClipRect() const + 101 (WebCore) [0x7fff44877a75]
1 non-virtual thunk to WebCore::ScrollView::visibleContentRectInternal(WebCore::ScrollableArea::VisibleContentRectIncludesScrollbars, WebCore::ScrollableArea::VisibleContentRectBehavior) const + 48 (WebCore) [0x7fff452705b0]
1 WebCore::ScrollView::platformVisibleContentRect(bool) const + 30 (WebCore) [0x7fff452729ee]
1 WebCore::ScrollView::platformVisibleContentRectIncludingObscuredArea(bool) const + 48 (WebCore) [0x7fff45272c50]
1 objc_msgSend_fp2ret_fixedup + 60 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff5dfac580]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() + 48 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429ea40]
1 _mach_fork_child + 13 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecebc57]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() + 132 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429ea94]
1 WebCore::TimerBase::heapDeleteMin() + 139 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429ebeb]
1 void std::__1::__sift_down<WebCore::TimerHeapLessThanFunction&, WebCore::TimerHeapIterator>(WebCore::TimerHeapIterator, WebCore::TimerHeapIterator, WebCore::TimerHeapLessThanFunction&, std::__1::iterator_traits<WebCore::TimerHeapIterator>::difference_type, WebCore::TimerHeapIterator) + 301 (WebCore) [0x7fff4545f84d]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 __43-[NSTextView(NSSharing) _restartBlinkTimer]_block_invoke + 37 (AppKit) [0x7fff3493e581]
1 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _blinkCaret:] + 415 (AppKit) [0x7fff348f0d4d]
1 -[NSView(NSInternal) _needsDisplayInRect:] + 574 (AppKit) [0x7fff34883956]
1 os_unfair_lock_lock + 8 (libsystem_platform.dylib) [0x7fff5ee2a61e]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1187 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe123]
1 CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate + 431 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe72f]
1 CFRunLoopRemoveTimer + 246 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe9f6]
1 mk_timer_arm + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecec936]
1 <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
11 __CFRunLoopRun + 1783 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5117]
10 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 341 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5dc5]
10 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecec7c2]
10 <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 2168 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5298]
2 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 110 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff372121be]
2 CFArrayGetCount + 27 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3719a7eb]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 1240 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4ef8]
2 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3721234f]
2 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff37212427]
2 __65+[CATransaction(NSCATransaction) NS_setFlushesWithDisplayRefresh]_block_invoke + 283 (AppKit) [0x7fff350c3658]
2 CA::Transaction::commit() + 171 (QuartzCore) [0x7fff42341301]
2 CA::Transaction::run_commit_handlers(CATransactionPhase) + 49 (QuartzCore) [0x7fff4234278f]
2 __37+[NSDisplayCycle currentDisplayCycle]_block_invoke + 695 (AppKit) [0x7fff3490b962]
2 _NSWindowDisplayCycleUpdateStructuralRegions + 553 (AppKit) [0x7fff34d36adb]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSScrollView _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 128 (AppKit) [0x7fff3517b10f]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSOutlineView _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 104 (AppKit) [0x7fff34e82efa]
2 -[NSTableView _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 84 (AppKit) [0x7fff34fa96e8]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 2177 (AppKit) [0x7fff35085e72]
2 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateTrackingAreasWithInvalidCursorRects:] + 242 (AppKit) [0x7fff350856e3]
2 -[NSToolTipManager recomputeToolTipsForView:remove:add:] + 581 (AppKit) [0x7fff348e9e33]
2 visibleTrackingRectOfToolTip + 64 (AppKit) [0x7fff348ea175]
2 -[NSView _interactiveBounds] + 127 (AppKit) [0x7fff3507a8eb]
2 -[NSClipView _interactiveBounds] + 33 (AppKit) [0x7fff34c77cca]
2 -[NSClipView _insetVisibleRect] + 44 (AppKit) [0x7fff34c77c23]
2 -[NSClipView _insetBounds] + 70 (AppKit) [0x7fff348bd5c5]
2 -[NSClipView contentInsets] + 21 (AppKit) [0x7fff347baeec]
2 objc_sync_enter + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff5dfb0d5d]
2 id2data(objc_object*, usage) + 124 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff5dfb0e07]
2 fetch_cache(bool) + 17 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff5dfb10a1]
2 _objc_fetch_pthread_data + 16 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff5dfad590]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1600 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5060]
1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3721234f]
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff37212427]
1 postQueueNotifications + 851 (Foundation) [0x7fff3938a291]
1 _CFXNotificationPost + 652 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371c7b8c]
1 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 1826 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371c8af2]
1 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 50 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff37209ec2]
1 _CFXRegistrationPost + 442 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3720a17a]
1 __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 12 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3720a28c]
1 ??? (iCompta + 1397767) [0x10a671407]
1 -[LADatabaseManager performBlockWithoutModifyingLastModificationDates:] + 83 (LAAdditions) [0x10ab07813]
1 ??? (iCompta + 1399930) [0x10a671c7a]
1 ??? (iCompta + 2510637) [0x10a780f2d]
1 -[NSMutableArray sortRange:options:usingComparator:] + 678 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff37208046]
1 objc_retain + 60 (libobjc.A.dylib) [0x7fff5dfabd5c]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
2 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 366 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501a9f]
2 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 286 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501e26]
1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 547 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f47c3]
1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3721234f]
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff37212427]
1 CA::Transaction::observer_callback(__CFRunLoopObserver*, unsigned long, void*) + 66 (QuartzCore) [0x7fff4234cf32]
1 CA::Transaction::commit() + 487 (QuartzCore) [0x7fff4234143d]
1 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*) + 3611 (QuartzCore) [0x7fff42342569]
1 _dispatch_root_queue_push_override + 210 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff5eb819fb]
1 _dispatch_continuation_alloc_from_heap + 49 (libdispatch.dylib) [0x7fff5eb6e108]
1 calloc + 30 (libsystem_malloc.dylib) [0x7fff5ed505d6]
1 malloc_zone_calloc + 87 (libsystem_malloc.dylib) [0x7fff5ed4fcc0]
1 nano_calloc + 6 (libsystem_malloc.dylib) [0x7fff5ed55195]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 487 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4787]
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1278 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4f1e]
1 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 275 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f5893]
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 12 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3721287c]
1 __62-[NSDocumentController(NSInternal) _onMainThreadInvokeWorker:]_block_invoke.2153 + 157 (AppKit) [0x7fff34d2f8c0]
1 __61-[LAAttachedWindow beginSheetInWindow:ofDocument:usingBlock:]_block_invoke + 146 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa91732]
1 -[LAAttachedWindow beginSheetInWindow:usingBlock:] + 117 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa91597]
1 -[NSApplication _commonBeginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:] + 760 (AppKit) [0x7fff349fd0d9]
1 -[NSApplication _orderFrontModalWindow:relativeToWindow:] + 260 (AppKit) [0x7fff349fd63f]
1 -[NSWindow _doOrderWindow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 287 (AppKit) [0x7fff348f8b69]
1 -[NSWindow _reallyDoOrderWindowAboveOrBelow:relativeTo:findKey:forCounter:force:isModal:] + 1990 (AppKit) [0x7fff3509fefa]
1 -[NSWindow(NSSheets) _orderFrontRelativeToWindow:] + 189 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a0422e]
1 -[NSMoveHelper(NSSheets) _moveParent:andOpenSheet:] + 1647 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a048f1]
1 -[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation] + 1556 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a06484]
1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 487 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4787]
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 2427 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f539b]
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 346 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fdbca]
1 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1108 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe0d4]
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe454]
1 -[NSScreenDisplayLink _fire] + 298 (AppKit) [0x7fff3498204c]
1 __28-[NSMoveHelper _doAnimation]_block_invoke + 519 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a0709c]
1 NSPerformVisuallyAtomicChange + 146 (AppKit) [0x7fff348f2018]
1 MetalSheetProgress + 103 (SkyLight) [0x7fff58aef99f]
1 _CGSGetWindowTransform + 147 (SkyLight) [0x7fff58aef427]
1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff5ecec7c2]
1 <Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
6 -[NSApplication run] + 812 (AppKit) [0x7fff347c1d9d]
4 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] + 307 (AppKit) [0x7fff34f60617]
4 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) sendEvent:] + 497 (AppKit) [0x7fff350ff85c]
4 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _reallySendEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 2359 (AppKit) [0x7fff351005b0]
4 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) _handleMouseDownEvent:isDelayedEvent:] + 5891 (AppKit) [0x7fff35103959]
2 -[NSControl mouseDown:] + 965 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a07a64]
2 -[NSButtonCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 777 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a4b75f]
2 -[NSCell trackMouse:inRect:ofView:untilMouseUp:] + 1928 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a08dcc]
2 -[NSDragEventTracker trackEvent:usingHandler:] + 1605 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a098a5]
2 -[NSWindow(NSEventRouting) trackEventsMatchingMask:timeout:mode:handler:] + 272 (AppKit) [0x7fff350ff3a3]
2 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3044 (AppKit) [0x7fff34f62b4c]
2 _DPSNextEvent + 2085 (AppKit) [0x7fff347ccf5f]
2 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501914]
2 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 613 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501b96]
2 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 286 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501e26]
2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 487 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4787]
2 __CFRunLoopRun + 2427 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f539b]
2 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 346 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fdbca]
2 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1108 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe0d4]
2 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371fe454]
2 WebCore::timerFired(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*) + 31 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429e9ff]
2 WebCore::ThreadTimers::sharedTimerFiredInternal() + 176 (WebCore) [0x7fff4429eac0]
2 WebCore::DOMTimer::fired() + 715 (WebCore) [0x7fff4436c98b]
2 WebCore::ScheduledAction::execute(WebCore::Document&) + 143 (WebCore) [0x7fff4524290f]
2 WebCore::ScheduledAction::executeFunctionInContext(JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::JSValue, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&) + 69 (WebCore) [0x7fff45242ad5]
2 JSC::JSLock::didAcquireLock() + 208 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3aa58500]
2 WTF::registerThreadForMachExceptionHandling(WTF::Thread*) + 103 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad3cef7]
2 WTF::HashTable<WTF::Thread*, WTF::Thread*, WTF::IdentityExtractor, WTF::PtrHash<WTF::Thread*>, WTF::HashTraits<WTF::Thread*>, WTF::HashTraits<WTF::Thread*> >::add(WTF::Thread* const&) + 180 (JavaScriptCore) [0x7fff3ad3d6d4]
2 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 -[NSTextField mouseDown:] + 357 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a6d0dd]
1 -[NSTextView mouseDown:] + 11679 (AppKit) [0x7fff34b58c8a]
1 -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3044 (AppKit) [0x7fff34f62b4c]
1 _DPSNextEvent + 2085 (AppKit) [0x7fff347ccf5f]
1 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501914]
1 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 366 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501a9f]
1 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 286 (HIToolbox) [0x7fff36501e26]
1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 487 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4787]
1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1240 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f4ef8]
1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 511 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3721234f]
1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff37212427]
1 __NSFirePerformWithOrder + 360 (Foundation) [0x7fff3938a96c]
1 -[LABufferedCaller invoke:] + 252 (LAAdditions) [0x10a9e6cc6]
1 -[NSInvocation invokeWithTarget:] + 54 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff3720b006]
1 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 320 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f2190]
1 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation) [0x7fff371f22bc]
1 -[LAObserver makeUpdates] + 8271 (LAAdditions) [0x10a9c2ce1]
1 ??? (iCompta + 399583) [0x10a57d8df]
1 ??? (iCompta + 382996) [0x10a579814]
1 -[LAMasterTreeNodesDataSource observerDidEndUpdates:] + 588 (LAAdditions) [0x10a9ee536]
1 -[LATreeNodesDataSource observerDidEndUpdates:] + 403 (LAAdditions) [0x10a9e2c41]
1 -[NSOutlineView reloadData] + 586 (AppKit) [0x7fff3498fa50]
1 -[NSTableView reloadData] + 175 (AppKit) [0x7fff34967b72]
1 -[NSTableRowData reloadData] + 91 (AppKit) [0x7fff348bef9f]
1 -[NSTableRowData removeAllKnownSubviews] + 171 (AppKit) [0x7fff348bf37e]
1 -[NSTableRowData _removeVisibleRows] + 110 (AppKit) [0x7fff348bfa21]
1 -[NSTableRowData _removeRowViewForRow:] + 228 (AppKit) [0x7fff34967d71]
1 -[NSTableRowData _removeViewAndAddToReuse:forRow:] + 762 (AppKit) [0x7fff3496825d]
1 ??? (iCompta + 711031) [0x10a5c9977]
1 ??? (iCompta + 705631) [0x10a5c845f]
1 -[LAPartsView setParts:] + 1258 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa3bcc4]
1 -[LAPartsView reloadToolTips] + 186 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa3a89d]
1 <User mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User Interactive>
1 -[LAOutlineView mouseDown:] + 171 (LAAdditions) [0x10a9c6e68]
1 -[NSOutlineView mouseDown:] + 73 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a7a9c0]
1 -[NSTableView mouseDown:] + 7186 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a7c7e8]
1 -[NSTableView _sendAction:to:row:column:] + 121 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a7e3a9]
1 -[NSControl sendAction:to:] + 86 (AppKit) [0x7fff34a0a933]
1 -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] + 312 (AppKit) [0x7fff34f6475a]
1 -[LASectionsController handleDoubleClick:] + 429 (LAAdditions) [0x10a9bbc41]
1 ??? (iCompta + 92460) [0x10a53292c]
1 ??? (iCompta + 686421) [0x10a5c3955]
1 ??? (iCompta + 660371) [0x10a5bd393]
1 +[LAAttachedWindow attachedWindowWithRootViewController:frameAutosaveName:] + 83 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa910f1]
1 -[LAAttachedWindow initWithRootViewController:] + 44 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa90f5b]
1 -[NSViewController view] + 30 (AppKit) [0x7fff3480ee9d]
1 -[NSViewController _loadViewIfRequired] + 75 (AppKit) [0x7fff3480ef32]
1 ??? (iCompta + 661758) [0x10a5bd8fe]
1 ??? (iCompta + 656771) [0x10a5bc583]
1 -[LAEditViewController loadView] + 42 (LAAdditions) [0x10aa90b7c]
1 -[NSViewController loadView] + 343 (AppKit) [0x7fff3489706c]
1 -[NSNib _instantiateWithOwner:options:topLevelObjects:] + 136 (AppKit) [0x7fff34897d96]
1 -[NSNib _instantiateNibWithExternalNameTable:options:] + 535 (AppKit) [0x7fff348980aa]
1 _decodeObject + 417 (Foundation) [0x7fff392cdbee]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 2095 (Foundation) [0x7fff392ce523]
1 -[NSIBObjectData initWithCoder:] + 200 (AppKit) [0x7fff34794019]
1 _decodeObject + 417 (Foundation) [0x7fff392cdbee]
1 _decodeObjectBinary + 2095 (Foundation) [0x7fff392ce523]
1 -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 202 (Foundation) [0x7fff392d38c5]
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Posts: 2328
Joined: 28 December 2008, 21:28
Location: Toulouse, France

Re: Bug when moving a category around

Post by Angeman »

No sorry this is different, what I need is :
1/ Launch iCompta and select the Categories line in the left panel
2/ Open Console app from Applications/Utilities folder
3/ Back to iCompta drag a category to reproduce your issue
4/ Copy/paste the lines that appeared in the Console app
Post Reply