running balance incorrect?

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running balance incorrect?

Post by paulrw »


I'm having an issue with one of my checking accounts in iCompta. The running (preview) balance is a few hundred dollars less than it should be.

The badge next to the account shows the same incorrect amount when "Display balance" is selected. When "Display cleared balance" is selected, the badge shows the correct amount.

Changing the selection in "Preview computation mode" in preferences doesn't change the behavior.

There are no uncleared or unreconciled items back in the history of the account.

Any ideas?
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Re: running balance incorrect?

Post by Angeman »

If the cleared balance is different than the balance it means that there are some transactions in your account with a planned or a created status.
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Re: running balance incorrect?

Post by paulrw »

I'm sorry, but I wrote the incorrect thing.

Here is the situation:

This account has a $876.95 cleared balance and a $246.95 balance. It has one debit transaction with a "created" status of $630. So that's fine.

The "Preview" running balance also shows $246.95, so that's also fine.

But this is where it gets weird. Last month's accounts reconciled with a final balance of $2583.93. This month's accounts reconcile with a final balance of $1233.33. The ONLY transaction that has not yet cleared, which I leave unchecked when reconciling in iCompta, is the same $630 transaction.

That means that, according to iCompta's reconciling, which agrees with my bank, I should have a $1233.33 cleared balance and a $603.33 balance. But I don't. There's a discrepancy of $356.18 between iCompta's running totals, and iCompta's reconciling. In this account.

There are no other uncleared transactions anywhere in the account history.

Any ideas?
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Re: running balance incorrect?

Post by paulrw »

Hmmm, I think I must have deleted a transaction somewhere. That might explain this, right?
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Re: running balance incorrect?

Post by Angeman »

Yes that would explain it.
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Re: running balance incorrect?

Post by paulrw »

That was it.

I had the assumption that the reconciled amounts might reflect later changes to the transaction history. But because they stay the same once they're entered, they can't be relied on to tell me if I messed something up in the history. Once i understood that, i could gradually go back and find two messed up transactions.

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