Exceeding Percentage

Discussions about iCompta on macOS
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Exceeding Percentage

Post by far-blue »

Hi :)

I notice v4 of iCompta has a new 'feature' that highlights transactions where the allocated percentage is more than 100% of the value. Sounds like a great idea but it appears to calculate the allocated percentage across BOTH categories AND people. In a single user account this is often fine but more often than not my transactions are split across multiple categories and multiple people and, as such, almost all of my transactions in some of my accounts are highlighted orange :(

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but if I want to mark a transaction as 20% mine and 80% my wife's and, at the same time, mark it as 50% clothes and 50% food then I currently do exactly that - add 2 people and 2 categories. Of course, as this sums to 200% I then get 'Exceeding Percentage 100%' and an orange highlight.

Can someone tell me where I'm either not using the program correctly or how to adjust the behaviour of the warning highlight?
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Re: Exceeding Percentage

Post by DigitalOxygen.ca »

I have the same issue/question. Have submitted an email to support and am waiting for a reply. Glad I'm not the only one that thought this was odd. Still not sure if this is by design and we're missing something here or if this is a bug.
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Re: Exceeding Percentage

Post by Angeman »

Participations should be used when you lend money to people in order to track who owes what to who. So in fact you don't really spend the money you lend that's why it shouldn't appear in statistics and that's why the whole percentage should not exceed 100%.
What you are trying to do is different and would need a special feature to indicate the split between the proprietary and the co-proprietary of a joint account.
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Re: Exceeding Percentage

Post by far-blue »

I think there are perfectly valid arguments for both behaviours. However, in the past it has not mattered which style of allocation was used (except that this now explains the odd values I was seeing in the statistics - see the other post!). Only now, with the highlighting of allocations and the associated warning - which I generally consider a good idea - does a problem occur.

For those of us that use categories and participants together and who wish to continue to do so, a simple fix would be a preference box we could untick that stops participants being taken into consideration during allocation calculations and percentages.

Long term I agree that some special additions to iCompta would massively help people allocate to both participants and categories. Specifically, the ability to allocate to a category on a per-participant basis (and then see split totals / statistics per participant) would be fantastic.

While business finances most often only deal with a single owner and have payees and payers, home finances is much more about multiple participants: students sharing at university, joint holiday funds, household finances with separate budgets for husband and wife. There are many occasions where the participants are equal in status so the concept of loaning money doesn't really fit but where there is also a need or want to categorise the money allocated to a participant. Actually, the categorisation is most useful when linked to budgets and being able to track budgets for multiple participants separately is really useful. The ability to create 'fake' participants is also massively useful - I used a fake participant for tracking wedding-related expenses and this allowed me to see where wedding fund money was distributed across multiple real-world accounts, how spending was matching against budgeted areas such as flowers, dress, etc. and how much the whole affair was costing.

To me, categories help with budgets while participants are more to do with ownership (by either real people or fake event-focused pools of money) and tracking both is extremely useful, allowing me to move money around between accounts without getting into a mess :)

The participant capabilities of iCompta are already very strong and I consider them a massive point in favour of the software over and above other packages. If you wish to truly separate iCompta from the competition - especially now it is a shareware application - building on the multi-participant foundation would be a very good step.
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Re: Exceeding Percentage

Post by DigitalOxygen.ca »

The scenario I run into when I am inclined to use both is when I am loaning money from one account to another but also tracking the flow of money under a certain category to it's easy to report on.

For example (each point represents a transaction in an account):

1. Account A: Transfer 350 from account A to account B, tag with category X
2. Account B: Receive 350 in account B, tag with category X
3. Account B: Use 350 to spend on item Z, also tag transaction with category X

Because the first two transactions are part of the same transfer (and convert to transfer is used) they share the same category. If I also tag the 1st transaction with the owner of account B as a person it marks it as exceeded.

I could mark the percentage for category X as zero but then the statistics would be incorrect couldn't they? It would also be harder to track the flow of money or at least what the purpose of the transactions were. Example if I want to trace it backwards from transaction 3 I could not easily filter for category X and expect to find all 3 transactions. I would have to filter based on amounts or something else to find all the transactions.

Any suggested workarounds?
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Re: Exceeding Percentage

Post by DigitalOxygen.ca »

Another question is what exactly is effected and how is it effected by exceeding percentages in this way?

As in the example above if a single transaction is set with 100% towards a particular category and 100% set towards a particular person how will this effect the graphs, etc. Will it throw off calculations for the pie charts and bar graphs and if so how? Any other things it throws off? Budgest maybe?
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Re: Exceeding Percentage

Post by DigitalOxygen.ca »

This is still an issue for me, anyone have any insight?
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