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Wise CSV Import settings

Posted: 28 July 2023, 11:05
by AlecFasani
Hi Angeman,

Hope you are well.

I'm trying to import into Icompta statements from my Wise account in CSV format.
It seems like Icompta's internal browser can't handle it, so I'm importing it externally.

The problem is that the amount column doesn't have a sign on the figures showing what's Credit or Debit.
There is another column named "DIRECTION" which marks each transaction as IN or OUT.
So I have mapped the import process accordingly as seen on the screenshot attached.
The problem is that it doesn't work properly.
Amounts seem to have been marked as Credit or Debit randomly.

How can I fix that, please?

Re: Wise CSV Import settings

Posted: 28 July 2023, 12:04
by Angeman
In your case you should only map "Amount" and "Amount sign" fields in the fields mapping screen (the one before your screenshot), not "Credit" and "Debit".

Re: Wise CSV Import settings

Posted: 28 July 2023, 12:47
by AlecFasani
Yes, that's what I'm doing.
I'm not mapping Credit or Debit fields.

Re: Wise CSV Import settings

Posted: 28 July 2023, 12:54
by AlecFasani
Could the dates coming with TIME create some inconsistencies on import??

Re: Wise CSV Import settings

Posted: 28 July 2023, 12:56
by AlecFasani
I'm mapping dates as yyyy-MM-dd simply ignoring the TIME.
It seems to be importing dates correctly this way.