CSV importr crashes icompta

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CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by blasley »

I am trying to import a csv of data from the old pocketmoney windows/iOS app (I changed the columns to match what a csv export from icompta had).
The first attempt finished but some transactions were missing and categories did not get assigned, so I deleted and re-created the account and tried again.
This time, icompta crashed when I hit the "validate" button on the first dialog that comes up (for the configuration).
I had the same result with several tries.
I deleted and reinstalled the app and tried again but the same thing happened.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by Angeman »

I received you crash report by email so the problem comes from the "splits count column" settings you set in the first import settings screen. Whatever column you put in there, there are incorrect values in that column in your CSV file which cause an overflow and the crash. You can send me your CSV file by email if you want me to correct it.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by blasley »

Hmm. the csv file does not appear to have any value but 1 in the Splits column.
However, there are a few values in other columns that have embedded commas (and the csv file encloses the entire field in double quotes in those cases.
Does the import not support values enclosed in double quotes and containing embedded commas?
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by blasley »

I removed all the embedded commas and was able to load the file, but now the import does not appear to be reading the bottom line of the file (the oldest transaction). The input file is in order newest to oldest. I checked, and there is a CR/LF at the end of the bottom line of the file.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by blasley »

Apparently I used up my three wishes. I imported sort of successfully (still missing the oldest transaction), so I deleted and re-created the account and tried again, but this time icompta crashed again when I hit "validate" on the first screen in icompta after I hit the "import transactions" button on the web page.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by Angeman »

The import does support having the CSV delimiter being escaped between double quotes. I really think you have something improperly configured in the import settings screens but I can't tell without taking a look at your CSV file.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by blasley »

Sorry, I guess I’m a little reluctant to post 9 years of bank transactions on a public forum. But I think I can replicate the issue the issue with just the first few lines. I will do that and post the file I use. Thanks for pursuing this. I like the app and really hope to be able to use it.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by Angeman »

Of course I understand but I'm not asking you to post it on the forum but to send it by email instead.
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Re: CSV importr crashes icompta

Post by blasley »

Just a note that removing the mapping for a “splits” column and also replacing a bizarre multi byte representation of an apostrophe with a normal single quote (I found this when I looked at my csv file in a text editor) seems to have solved all my issues with importing a csv file into Icompta.
Thanks for all the helpful advice. I’m looking forward to using Icompta as my main banking app.
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