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Pending and Reconciled

Posted: 11 August 2009, 16:00
by Paipe
How can I show the reconciled parcials... instead of the sum of everything including the pending ones?

Re: Pending and Reconciled

Posted: 12 August 2009, 10:43
by Angeman
In the filter menu, select reconciled to show only reconciled transactions. You will have the sum of all reconciled transactions displayed in the white bar under the list. Is this what you want ?

Re: Pending and Reconciled

Posted: 13 August 2009, 03:29
by Paipe
In the main transaction panel, there are three transaction columns: incomes are the green uparrow ones, expenses are the red downarrow ones, and the partials are the grey tiny ones at the left corner of the panel. The fact is that the partials always sum all the transactions, even when im filtering (eg. reconciled); is there any way to make icompta to show only the partials that im filtering?
Thanks a lot! :)

Re: Pending and Reconciled

Posted: 13 August 2009, 10:05
by Angeman
Ah ok, well you can't do it directly however you can show only reconciled transactions, copy them with Apple + C, create a new temporary account and paste with Apple + V them in that account. Don't forget to put the same initial balance to your temporary account if your original accout has one. This way you'll have what you want.