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Filtering Suggestion and somenthing more

Posted: 10 July 2009, 12:56
by Paipe
Hi there!

I have a suggestion about the filtering feature. When i filter the accont per cattegory, for example, it does not show the partials as it should. i mean, it shows the partial balance as if i was not filtering. it would be a great feature the possibility to see the balance of only one category of that account.

Another suggestion would be the possibility to view the person account together with the other account (you can do this only with the ACCOUNTS themselves), as i use my person account as my wallet. this would be a great feature to manage loans and other stuff.

Thanks for this great APP!

Re: Filtering Suggestion and somenthing more

Posted: 10 July 2009, 15:06
by Angeman
Ok, thanks for your suggestions, they'll probably be part of a future release.