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Account balance background

Posted: 01 March 2016, 20:40
by Sharcuk

As a a new convert to iCompta, I have to say I'm finding it really good. One query, having been using the programme on my Mac for a couple of weeks. The help file shows the account balance for each account shown in the sidebar will be shaded either red or green, depending on the balance and the warning balance set in the account parameters.

All my accounts are following this, apart from my checking account, which currently has a credit balance, a warning balance set at zero, but instead of being highlighted in green, is highlighted white.

Is there something I have missed in setting up the account which means it is not showing as green, as I would expect?


Re: Account balance background

Posted: 01 March 2016, 22:22
by Angeman
Sorry for that, this is bug that appeared with El Capitan as Apple changed something that makes the badge keep its white color as if it was highlighted.

Re: Account balance background

Posted: 01 March 2016, 22:57
by Sharcuk
Thanks for the quick response, just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything