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Budgets - not updating

Posted: 03 March 2015, 20:23
by Torakikiii
I have the subtle impression that before the latest update iCompta, when clicking on a budget, would have jumped to the current period, not the first one of the list.

Let me explain... I have a 2015 budget and in the bottom panel I see the twelve periods. I wouldn't swear on it but I remember that when I clicked on the budget iCompta used to show me the current month, not January like it's happening now.
I could be totally wrong, I haven't used it much in the last month so I might be wrong. Anyway I believe that in any case showing the current period would be the best behavior.

More over the budget on the left panel shows values from January.


***EDIT for the dev***

I closed the app, reopened it and now it jumps and shows the correct period. Meh! For the records I usually never turn off my Mac, and iCompta can run for... weeks? Even months without being closed. I work on and routinely save the file over this period but I rarely close it. It might be something related to this. (Os X 10.9.5)