Splits in Comparative Report

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Splits in Comparative Report

Post by biff »

I am running a Comparative Report with a transaction condition:
None of the following is true
[Splits] The category is Accounts

where Accounts is the parent category of multiple accounts, including [Housing Deposits]

If I have a -$1,200 transaction with two splits:
-$200 Financial : Application fees
-$1,000 Accounts : [Housing Deposits]

neither of the splits shows up in the report though I was hoping the -$200 amount would.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something that's not allowed?
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Re: Splits in Comparative Report

Post by Angeman »

[Splits] The category is Accounts means that the condition will be true if any of its splits has the category "Accounts" and since it's in the transactions filtrer, the whole transaction gets discarded. Instead of that, I think you want to add a condition None of the following is true with The category is descendant of [Accounts] inside in the splits filter.
Posts: 18
Joined: 05 November 2017, 04:22

Re: Splits in Comparative Report

Post by biff »

Well explained. I used the wrong filter. I moved the condition to the Splits Filter and the report results were perfect. Thank you!
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