automatically make certain transactions into transfers

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automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by zh_olga »

How do I "teach" iCompta to automatically make certain transactions into transfers?
Is it possible?
Can I create a rule to do this?
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by Angeman »

Yes you can do it with the "Make a transfer" action in a rule.
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by zh_olga »

Thank you, Angeman, this helps to make my payments to other cards into transfers to those cards.
However, now with this rule, when I download the transactions from the accounts to where I've just made the transfer, I have a duplicate transaction, because these statements now reflect receiving the money and I have to delete those by hand. Is there a way to automate this too?
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by Angeman »

You have to make the condition of the rule so that it only matches the transactions that should be a transfer.
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by zh_olga »

could you please explain how to do it?

Because I'm new to using rules and this one is a bit complicated to me.

Does it have to be compound condition or a number of conditions?

I couldn't find the action "Match a transaction" or anything similar

For future - is there a guide to using the rules? Is there a description of what each of the actions actually does? Because not all of them are self-explanatory from their names - at least to me
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by Angeman »

I can't tell you, it depends on what you want to match. If you want to make an action on transactions with a certain name then obviously you have to add a condition on the name, etc.
zh_olga wrote: 17 February 2018, 16:41 For future - is there a guide to using the rules? Is there a description of what each of the actions actually does? Because not all of them are self-explanatory from their names - at least to me
If you don't understand one you can ask and I'll tell you what it does.
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by zh_olga »

Here's an example
I made a rule to create transfer based on account and name
How do I make a rule so that transfer stays, but the incoming "mobile payment" goes away?

I have many credit cards which I pay regularly so such rule will really save me a lot of time
Transfer rule.jpeg
Transfer rule.jpeg (171.65 KiB) Viewed 11629 times
Transfers double transactions.jpeg
Transfers double transactions.jpeg (365.32 KiB) Viewed 11629 times
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by Angeman »

Currently your rule will make a transfer to Capital One CC for transactions in CHASE Checking which name contains both "CAPITAL ONE" and "MOBILE PMT", is this what you want ? If yes then your rule is OK.
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by zh_olga »

No Angeman
Can you see on the second screenshot that there’s a transaction with the same amount right after the transfer ? This is the one that downloads from the bank reflecting the receipt of the payment. How do I make my rules so that in the end I’m only left with one transfer from checking to capital one CC ?
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Re: automatically make certain transactions into transfers

Post by Angeman »

I'm not sure I understood correctly but if there is no way to identify precisely the transactions on which to apply the rules such as a unique name or amount then you can't do it with a rule.
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