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Exporting question

Posted: 01 September 2020, 04:15
by biff
I want to do an export of transactions and automatically modify the content.

Currently the account field shows as Bank : Wells Fargo
Currently the caregory shows as Food : Groceries

Is there a way to eliminate the account group name and show just Wells Fargo
Is there a way to eliminate the spaces on either side of the colon and show the category as Food:Groceries

Re: Exporting question

Posted: 01 September 2020, 15:34
by Angeman
Sorry there is no way to do it automatically. The only thing you can do is move the account outside of its parent before exporting and then move it back after.

Re: Exporting question

Posted: 01 September 2020, 15:51
by biff
Thanks for the speedy reply!

Would it make sense and be possible to enhance the app in a future release so that Food : Groceries exports by default as Food:Groceries (eliminating the spaces)? I imported categories into iCompta in that form with success.

Re: Exporting question

Posted: 01 September 2020, 17:55
by Angeman
Honestly I don't think it will change sorry…

Re: Exporting question

Posted: 06 October 2021, 16:44
by biff
I took your advice and moved the accounts out from under their parents before exporting. This allowed the correct account name to be included in the export. Thank you.

But now I see that the category name is corrupted, both in qif and csv exports. It shows as food : groceries instead of food:groceries. This renders the use of subcategories useless. All software importing programs including iCompta correctly process categories and subcategories with the colon in between without the space on either side of the colon.

I would estimate I have 100 subcategories. It would be impractical to move each subcategory out from under its parent before each export from iCompta.

Can you suggest a practical procedure for exporting from iCompta that produces the financial industry standard for sub-account and sub-category names (i.e. parent:child)?

If not, I must once again abandon iCompta for a competing product. :cry:

Re: Exporting question

Posted: 06 October 2021, 19:18
by Angeman
Can't you just open the exported file with a text editor and replace all " : " with ":" ? I know it's a bit painful to do every time but it should work.