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Have budget as spent

Posted: 19 October 2010, 11:26
by jasonkay
yesterday I bought iCompta for iPhone 3g and it's really a great app.
I added all my entries and periodical expenses and, for tracking my remaining cash month per month, I need to have budget as spent.

monthly budget for travel: 300
montlhy entries: 1000
monthly expense (for the rest): 500

But if I set a budget now (300) and from the fisrt of the mont to today i've spent only 100 I can't know how many money I'll have at the last day of the month.

Thanks a lot

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 20 October 2010, 00:12
by Angeman
You can know it by looking at the budget screen, it tells you how much money is left.

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 20 October 2010, 10:27
by jasonkay
Sorry but I can't understand.
I created a unique budget with all my categories (also with salary as a positive entries) and I set a period o 4 month.
But total are not credible.

This is my settings:
Fuel - montlhy budget: 260 - used 80 - remain 180
Extra - montlhy budget: 200 - used 100 - remain 100
.. ecc

I have to know how many money I'll have at 31 of december (for example) with ALL my future expense like fuel, extra, travel, car, ecc (set as monthly budget).
thanks a lot

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 20 October 2010, 10:34
by Angeman
The budget analyses transactions from your accounts so have you created all the transactions you are talking about in your account and marked them as monthly ?

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 20 October 2010, 11:02
by jasonkay
Mmh ... I try to explain this better.

Until this moment I used an excel file with all expenses and entries month per month with a planning of 4 month.
So with this tool, I was able to know what would be my situation in the future 3 month.

Now I wanna use your beautiful app to planning my bank situation and tracking my expenses.
If I set a budget I'm tracking expenses (for ex. now, in october 2010, I know that remains 100 € of 200 for extra).
In the account screen I can add all my expense day by day and this it will add to my budget (extra for ex.) but this don't tell me that at the end of the month I will have spent 200 € for extra.

So, I tryied to use budget as you tell me adding all categories and setting (only for some) a monthly budget.
But report is for 4 month so my budget can't be monthly (extra for 1 month it's 200 € ... but for 4 month it's 800 €) so the app tell me that i'm 600 out of my budget.

If I add all transaction as monthly I can't track expenses.
For ex. if I add fuel monthly expence as 260 € at the end of the month I can't know if I spent 230 or 280 € because I've not added one transaction per time but only 1 for the entire month.

I hope this it's clear ... :)

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 22 October 2010, 14:26
by jasonkay
any suggestions?!

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 22 October 2010, 22:22
by Angeman
jasonkay wrote:But report is for 4 month so my budget can't be monthly (extra for 1 month it's 200 € ... but for 4 month it's 800 €) so the app tell me that i'm 600 out of my budget.
Why can't you make it for one month only ?
Anyway you can still know if you are in line with your budget by looking at the 2 arrows :
Capture d’écran 2010-10-22 à 22.13.28.png
Capture d’écran 2010-10-22 à 22.13.28.png (21.56 KiB) Viewed 8355 times
It represents the progress of the budget : current date / end date of the budget.

Re: Have budget as spent

Posted: 25 October 2010, 09:45
by jasonkay
Because I need to know how many money I'll have in the next month.

One month is composed by normal and repetitive expenses but some month have extra expenses (such as holiday, car manteining, ecc).
Extra expenses will reduce my bank savings so I need to know what will be my bank balance after theese extra expenses.
