Thankyou, question, request

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Thankyou, question, request

Post by arabellamilla »

First thank you so much for this app and the graph on this app! I have been looking for an app like this for so long and I have spent so much money looking for apps that don't do what this one does.

A question. What is meant by operation type? You can change the colour and set an operation type can you give an example? If it is eg:


then could you change the name from operation type to 'category' on the english version.

A request. Instead of operation can you call it 'transaction' on the english version as I think it is casuing some people confusion and that is why it has low ratings.

A big thank you!
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by Angeman »

Thanks for your explanations, yes "operation type" = "category". I will change these terms as sou suggested.
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by arabellamilla »

Thank you again :)

My review is now showing on the appstore. I hope more people will rate so your rating goes up :)
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by Angeman »

I hope so ! Thanks a lot :)
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by arabellamilla »

Also could you please add an operation frequency of every 4 weeks. Here in the uk child benefit is paid ever 4 weeks not monthly.

Thanks :)

Oh and is there any way to make it auto save? I just lost a load of data when it crashed. Now i keep exiting the app to make sure the data is saving...
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by Angeman »

Frequency will be customizable in a future release so you will be able to set 4 weeks.

Auto save is enabled and runs from time to time, obviously not enough in your case... sorry.
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by arabellamilla »

OK sounds good :)

I've just been putting in some past operations and I have to say a big thank you again. This app is as good as microsoft money with the advantage you can put in your operations on the go!

Do you have a list of ideas for future updates? I would be surprised if you could make it any better!
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Re: Thankyou, question, request

Post by Angeman »

I have one but I keep it secret ;-)
Just kidding, I didn't have time to formalize it yet and put it online.
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