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Balance evolution/forecast (yellow line)

Posted: 10 January 2014, 14:40
by mac46
Hi I'm new to this forum, firstly can I say how happy I am with V3, having bought it as a replacement for MS Money.

My current version is V3.0.3

I have a question regarding balance evolution/ forecasting. Until recently this seemed to work. Now however when I forecast the balance, the future balance (blue line) looks correct but the forecasted balance (yellow line) doesn't seem to calculate correctly ie it only seems to take into account future credits from the scheduler but not debits.

Any help greatly appreciated



Re: Balance evolution/forecast (yellow line)

Posted: 10 January 2014, 15:19
by Angeman
The yellow line is a forecast and is based on the average amount of the previous transactions so it's not based on the transactions in the scheduler. Also, when you edit a transaction, there is a box to exclude it from the average amount, have you done that ?

Re: Balance evolution/forecast (yellow line)

Posted: 11 January 2014, 14:15
by mac46
Thanks for your quick reply, that seems to work.